About Us
The Darby School District is a member of the MECC. MECC is under the umbrella of School Services of Montana. School Services of Montana provides curriculum-based professional learning and development through the Montana Education Curriculum Consortium (MECC). MECC is a consortium of schools in Montana supporting local educators and curriculum leaders in the development of standards-based curriculum, alignment tools and assessments.
Our goals are to support member schools by:
Deepening understanding of new standards and the research-based curriculum process
Evaluating and revising curriculum to ensure it meets or exceeds state mandates
Aligning instruction and assessment with standards-based curriculum
Identifying and developing curriculum tools to impact student learning (proficiency scales, year-long context maps, prioritizing standards; vertical alignment, unit frameworks, assessment resources, etc.)
Providing a space to collaborate and learn from and with educators in curriculum-alike or grade-alike roles across Montana.