About Us
"Every student that graduates from Darby Public Schools is college, career, and community ready"
Darby School District
Mission Statement
Our goal is to provide information that may be helpful to you and keep you up to date on what is happening at the schools. We try to keep current information such as Board Agendas and Minutes for your review. We also maintain documents such as our strategic plan, curriculum, policy, and handbooks. Please be aware that all of this information is subject to change. If you would like to be assured you are reviewing the most current version of a document we ask that you contact the district office for official copies.
Tony Biesiot - Superintendent
JP McCrossin - 8-12 Principal
Chris Toynbee - K-7 Principal
Miranda Simmons - Business Manager/District Clerk
Cariann Kunkel - Payroll/HR/IT
Joe Floystad - Maintenance Director
Tyler Whiting - Transportation Director
Dezzeare McCord - Cafeteria Director